6 ways to earn leads from blogs
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6 Proven Ways For Lead Generation From Your Blog

TransFunnel Consulting
TransFunnel Consulting
Oct 29, 2020

Blogs are crucial to an organization’s content marketing strategy. It’s an effective and affordable way to bring the target audience to your digital domain and establish a connection with your brand.

A HubSpot study revealed that companies having blog pages, generate 67% more leads than those who don’t, 434% more indexed pages, and 97% more indexed links which lead to better SEO and ranking. 

You may get good traffic on your blog page but the objective is to take it to the next level. After all, organic traffic generation combined with lead generation is what makes the blog a worthwhile investment. 

Here are some proven quick and easy tips that you can implement for effective lead generation from your blog page:

Offer Valuable Content 

Provide the right content to the right audience. 

This may be a cliché but this is a prerequisite for generating leads through your blog page. Your audience should be able to relate to your content and see value in your offerings. This makes it a lead generation machine for your business. 

Before getting started, define buyer personas for your business, identify their pain points, challenges, etc. and provide content that is useful to them. This is also one of the keys to establish a connection with your audience and get repeat customers and referrals. Not only that, the more valuable pages you publish, the more favourably search engines like Google ranks your page. As a result, you’ll attract more visitors via organic search, leading to a win-win situation.

Pro Tip: Experiment with different content types to know what clicks!

Write Valuable Content For Your Business

Create Unique Contextual Offers

A contextual offer is a highly-targeted piece of content, aligned closely to the context of the blog. It can be a template, or checklist, or planner, or blueprint that allows your readers to put what they just learned into action. If you don’t yet have any such offers, you should definitely start planning these and later, tie them up with the blog. Here’s an apt example of a template tied up with a blog post on HubSpot.

Embed the right CTAs 

A high-quality blog post without a compelling Call-To-Action or CTA is a lead lost. 

CTAs enable you to build your leads database. You must offer your contextual offers through the right kind of CTAs to maximize the click rate. A strong CTA is visually persuasive and creates a sense of urgency. 

According to an analysis by Chartbeat, most people don’t read your entire blog post. In fact, a full 10% never scroll at all, while the majority of them stop after scrolling through about 60% of it. Hence, it’s very important to place your CTAs strategically. 

There are several places you could place your CTAs; at the top fold, at the bottom of the page, within the post, sidebar, full-screen overlays, etc. It’s best if you experiment with different placements and leverage blog page analytics to find the sweet spot.

Anchor text CTAs and Internal link CTAs have gained popularity for high click rates as they are perceived as Unobtrusive and Uncompelling by the readers. An Anchor text CTA is positioned as H3 or H4 Headings whereas internal link CTA is positioned within a paragraph block. HubSpot reported that 83% to 93% of their leads come from anchor text and internal link CTAs. 

Pro Tip: Don’t include too many CTAs on one page as your audiences will feel distracted and see it as a pushy sales pitch.  

Place Exit Pop-Ups

There will always be a chunk of traffic that leaves without completing the required action. Maybe they were pressed for time, or they didn’t find your blog or website compelling enough, or they simply missed it. The exit popup is the last opportunity to gather such visitors’ attention. 

The best part is that you can be as creative as you want and persuade the visitors one last time. When you’re designing an exit pop up, it’s important to think about why they came to your page and what they’re expecting. If you can get an idea on that, you can then identify what is the best offer to give to them that helps in preventing the bounce from the page.  Apart from subscription request for the blog page, you can offer newsletter subscription, some discount offer, a free trial, launch a quiz, a survey, contest which will get you a lead which would have been lost otherwise. 

Pro tip: Prefer not to include any other Pop-Ups on the page when you are placing Exit Pop-Ups.

Promote on the right Social Media Channels

With all the time you spend creating excellent content, you need to make sure that it reaches your target audience. Social media is one of the best ways to do so. For this, identify which social media channels your target audience is most active. Next up, find out what is their preferred mode of using the platforms (laptop/desktops/tablets/mobile) and what is the best time to push content for them to view?

This will help you come up with a clear-cut social media strategy to publish your blogs. Additionally, it can help if you also run a few advertisements with a moderate budget on different channels and analyze the conversions. This helps conclude which channel is the best for promoting your blog on a regular basis. 

Social media has massive power and every company today irrespective of its size, industry and popularity leverages it to maximize their consumer reach, establish connect and promote their brand. 

Pro tip: Do use the most relevant hashtags along with the blog posts while publishing. This will help it gain more visibility.

Engage with your Audience

Last but not least, ensure that you are responding timely to all the comments on your blog page even including the ones which are not appealing or positive. Respond to their queries, provide them with the required information and thank them for their feedback or suggestions. These are the visitors who have found your content interesting and have taken out time to engage with your brand. They could be your potential leads in the near future. 

Pro Tip: Earmark at least one person in your marketing/sales department and assign them the responsibility for responding to the comments in a stipulated time frame. 

To summarize, your blog page can become a sustainable lead generation engine for your business, provided you manage it effectively. Consistency plays an important role as well. Make sure that you make a publishing calendar and follow it diligently. You can also try some advanced techniques like Retargeting once you start getting good traffic and begin to generate decent leads.  Remember that at the end of the day, your swiftness to organize and follow through with your contact list or submissions is very vital for ultimate conversions. 

Go ahead and start your lead generation journey from your blog page today and do let us know your success rate. 

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