7 Infographics every marketer needs to see
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7 Infographics That Will Inspire Your Inner Marketing Genius

TransFunnel Consulting
TransFunnel Consulting
Mar 26, 2020

7 Infographics That Will Inspire Your Inner Marketing Genius

The world of digital marketing has never been more exciting! From rapidly emerging trends/technologies to changing customer needs and preferences, a marketing manager has a lot to keep up with. 

Over the past few years, graphics, particularly infographics, have become increasingly popular. According to Unbounce, searches for the term “infographic” have increased over 800% in the last two years. This shouldn’t be surprising because most humans are visual learners, and science shows that “the human brain processes visuals 60,000 times quicker than text.” Studies also state that the retention value of visual content over three days is 65% compared to 10% written content


Therefore, it comes as no surprise that an ever-increasing number of marketers are using visuals in their blogs, social posts, communication, and the most used form of visual content is infographics. 

37% of marketers use infographics as their chosen form of visual content.

 In digital marketing, infographics are great for representing original content and help the brand establish its distinguished identity and voice. Infographics are also entertaining and elicit an emotional response. A recent study by marketing automation platform HubSpot’s stated that people are 3 times more likely to share infographics than other types of visual content.


However, making the best infographics that provide value, facts, and connect with the target audience aren’t the easiest to create for marketing agencies. It takes a lot of creativity, testing, and sometimes even a bit of magic to create a visual that strikes the right balance between being resourceful and staying true to the brand. 

This blog covers 7 infographics that have hit a sixer by presenting complex information and authentic brand voice in a unique and catchy manner. We assure you that these examples will get your marketing creativity flowing! 


1. LinkedIn - A Well-Balanced Blog 

Blogging is an important component of LinkedIn. Professionals and companies constantly use the networking site to share blogs and articles on their pages, groups, etc. While we all learned the balanced diet in school, the professional network thought of connecting it with writing!

It rehashed this concept and applied it to blogging (#genius). The visual also pack data in an easily digestible way in their infographic titled “A Well-Balanced Blog.”


2. Venngage - Netflix’s Font Psychology

Did you know that fonts, colors, and graphics have a profound psychological impact on customers? This infographic is a perfect example of the same. 

Venngage references some of the most popular shows on Netflix like The Crown, Orange is the New Black, and 13 Reasons Why in this eye-catching and relevant visual. What does each font tell you about the show’s theme and the characters? We feel that this visual strikes the right balance between being informative and entertaining. What do you think? 



3. Coca-Cola - Holidays are Coming

Coca-Cola, one of the world’s most recognised brands, announces “Holidays are Coming” with this festive, informative, and easy-to-read infographic. The carbonated drinks giant uses this visual to inform customers about the history of its famous “light” truck and also celebrates the company’s upcoming holiday plans. The colour choice and font of the infographic is consistent with the company’s branding and ideology. The speckle of small, white dots across the visual which we assume symbolises snow, add a nice cheerful element, don’t they? 



4. National Geographic - How They Hunt 

Why is it that most of us have piles of yellow bound National Geographic magazines laying somewhere in our house? We think a lot of it stems from the fact that this iconic magazine has been masters of infographics even before the digital age. The publication, time and time again, has used clever designs to balance the aim and functionality of their visual content. 

Moreover, National Geographic builds its content from a large amount of data and research, and the effort, authenticity, and credibility always translates to the reader. 

In this lavish infographic, the magazine uses detailed digital design to present facts and clarify concepts about the hunting patterns of killer whales. 


5. Expedia Canada - 9 Natural Ways to Cure Jet Lag

As fun and exciting as travel can be, it can also be exhausting. Sometimes even cross-country travel can leave you with the dreaded energy zap of a jet lag. Online ticketing platform, Expedia, put together this informative, easy-to-read infographic to help millions of its customers. 

The guide on 9 Natural Ways to Cure Jet Lag combines facts from research with bright visuals. The choice of the orange, yellow, green colour scheme is consistent and creates a cohesive infographic that is pleasing to read through. 


6. Santa Fé Humane Society - Bringing a Dog Home for the First Time

A picture is worth a thousand words, and Santa Fé Humane Society's visual on Bringing a Dog Home for the First Time is one of the most creative, informative, and striking pieces of visual storytelling we have come across. 

This infographic weaves a nice story with important facts and information in a manner which encourage its target audience to read through the entire material. The easy flow and cartoonish figures make Santa Fé Human Society’s content memorable. Can we also agree on the fact that the cute visuals of the dogs are equally instrumental in the success of this infographic? Some doggo power there! 


7. Starbucks - The Anatomy of a Starbucks Beverage 

Ever wondered what differentiates a Starbucks Macchiato from a Latte, or an Americano from an Espresso? Starbucks laid to rest any confusion over its drinks through this easy to refer infographic. The visual sticks to the brand’s main colours of white, green, brown, and cream, and this makes the graphic instantly recognisable. It is also a quick read and will always stay relevant. We love that the incorporates the brand’s motto of making each beverage with love. 



Your brain can remember details of an image in 13 milliseconds. 

It should be no surprise that humans gravitate towards visual content. With more distractions than ever, infographics are the perfect way to capture a potential customer’s attention. But make no mistake, infographics can be tricky to create and the most memorable ones - the ones that get shared or elicit an emotional response do so by combining relevant facts with a story and killer graphic design. 

Does your company need some assistance with creating infographics that capture the brand voice and yet deliver pertinent information? The marketing consultants and designers at Transfunnel Consulting can help you create your next “viral” visual content.


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