8 Simple Tips on Social Media Marketing For a Small Business | TF
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8 Tips for Social Media Marketing For Small Businesses

TransFunnel Consulting
TransFunnel Consulting
Feb 12, 2019

Social Media Strategy

Setting up a business comes with great responsibilities and keeping up to position oneself in the market demands strategy. Besides putting efforts offline, it is crucial to be present and trendy on social media platforms. Why? Because you will be able to reach a lot of prospects through social media as opposed to offline marketing. And you’ll need to do it fast because time is a crucial commodity when it comes to small businesses. The good news is, you don’t need to think about acquiring millions of followers in order to do your social media strategy right. Below are some simple tips that can help you drive big sales.

1. Formulate a Plan

Every single thing we do from cooking to office work needs planning! Not planning things is like shooting an arrow in the dark. When it comes to business, anything that goes on without a pre-planned strategy has a high probability of missing the target besides having your resources and time wasted.

To make your online presence influential, you need to devise a plan, which starts with setting realistic targets, i.e things you want to achieve in a short or long time span. These targets should be specific to your goal, relevant to your customers and easily evaluable by you. Make sure that your content is more informative and audience-oriented and not just about marketing your brand everywhere!

2. Know Your Target Audience

Social media is powerful but only when you know who you are talking to. So, before you start posting anything online to get seen in organic searches, it is important that you have a clear idea about what type of audience you would best serve and who will benefit from your products. Knowing your audience will make it easier for you to schedule your posts and create content keeping them in mind. Furthermore, social media analytics would be a great help in combining data and your objectives and making you understand what is working and what is not.

3. Decide Your Platform

Nowadays, when the world is witnessing floods of social media platforms and apps, it is important for you to know which platforms to use to target your audience. Well, it wouldn’t be smart just to assume. You should have data analysed for different social media platforms (remember, social media analytics?) and the kind of audience you’ll find on them. For example, Facebook has a diverse audience - everyone from a teengaer to millennials to a 90-year-old granny whereas Instagram is more of a millennial thing! Such calculations will give you an idea about the maximising the platforms you should be using to best target your audience.

4. Strengthen Bonds

If you look at all the successful brands, you’ll find one thing in common - brilliant customer care and support. These brands reply quickly to queries, complaints, and also reward their loyal customers. This is not just a marketing tactic, but also a good way to make sure people who buy from you once, keep buying from you. It also shows how committed you are for providing the best services to everyone who interacts with your company and ensures them of your ability to take feedback and work on it. After all, one of the greatest things about social media is that it allows you to take to your customers/prospects/followers directly. Could we have asked for more?

5. Build Your Customer List

Once you have established your name in people’s heart with the services you provide, it is good to take risks and experiment with your business. Think out of the box again and expand your horizons. However, do not go completely opposite to what your forte is because it might not prove to your best decision. Expand slowly to something related to your original work. For example, if you’re a famous bakery, you can expand your business by selling gifts, cards or bouquets. This will help you get more customers and eventually push the business to heights.

6. Create and Publish Content Regularly

The gist of online marketing lies in how impactful your content is and how often viewers get to see your brand online. Having compelling content is a no brainer. To ensure being frequently seen, you need to use the best SEO tools and maintain a place in top search results. Doing so will keep the inflow of customers going without interruption. Creating, publishing, and evaluating things is important for expanding customer network. Just like anything else, do remember to test your content time and again to make sure you are publishing what they want to consume, not what they want to just skim through.

7. Incorporate Great Visuals

It is a known fact that people find visuals more appealing than reading the content. According to Twitter’s internal data, people’s engagement is three times higher when tweets are embedded with some sort of visuals - small video, gif, picture or an infographic. In any of these forms, visuals have always made their way to grab people’s attention. Hence, whenever you’re posting content, give those vibrant pictures and compelling videos a try and see how your sales skyrocket. However, goes without saying, no matter what you are posting, it needs to be of high quality.

8. Quality First

Social media can sometimes be overwhelming when you notice other brands posting many times in a day. You might feel like you need to do the same in order to be on top. And that’s what many small businesses often do - they frequently post content online without planning it out. What happens in such a scenario is that they miss out on what is relevant to their business growth. This creates junk for your customers to go through and rapidly spoils your image. It also makes your business look spammy online. And you don’t want that. To make sure you don’t experience such pitfalls, only create and post quality content along with quality images. And more than anything, be authentic. A survey from Stackla stated that 86% of consumers say that authenticity makes them like or dislike a particular brand.

Key Takeaways

Social media is not just for big and successful businesses. It opens opportunities for every business person to explore the market and continue expanding the network in terms of customers, collaborations, revenue, and sales. One step to social media platform and you will enter a whole new world full of possibilities that are not simply not there in an offline marketplace. Try and test yourself continuously and be in touch with your loyal customers who pave the way to an inflow of more customers and enjoy selling. " Inbound marketing agency "

At Transfunnel, we offer consultancy for all kinds of businesses so you can target the right audience, send the right messages, grow your customers across all platforms.

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