vs. Jira Comparisons - Project Management Tool
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17 Key Project Management Face-offs Between and Jira

TransFunnel Consulting
TransFunnel Consulting Sep 25, 2023

Ask any project manager in your organisation what it's like to manage teams or projects, and they're likely to tell you it's genuinely no walk in the park by any means. Project managers handle variable responsibilities and often have little time to manage even the smallest project. That's where project management tools come into play. 

In fact, 54% of the workforce believes that leveraging project management tools, which help automate redundant tasks, would make them more productive and efficient. even claims it could save more than 5 hours at work. 

When it comes to choosing the right project management tool for your organisation, two names often stand out: Jira and These cloud-based platforms have earned their stripes in the industry, offering unique features and seamless integrations. 

So, are you stuck deciding which project management tool to use: Monday or Jira? Don't worry! We're here to assist you. 

If you find yourself at the crossroads of selecting between these two powerhouse solutions, this article is your guide. Keep reading to learn more.

About Jira – A project management tool

Jira project management tool, originally built as an issue and bug tracker, has now evolved to offer comprehensive tools for teams across various industries, especially in coding and software development, and has emerged as a popular alternative.  

Jira's core features include  

  • Customizable Scrum and Kanban board views - essential for agile project management 
  • Excellent bug tracking, management, and reporting capabilities -attractive choice for software teams focused on quality assurance 
  • Unique ability to connect issues to code - increased visibility into the development pipeline

About - A project management tool

With a holistic approach to work management, represents a complete Work OS (Operating System). This cloud-based platform empowers teams to handle a wide range of tasks, from bug tracking to creating custom workflow apps, all within a single, centralised environment. distinguishes itself through its extensive feature set 

  • Seamless app and data integration
  • Powerful workflow automation capabilities
  • Not limited to team-specific collaboration or task management
  • Capabilities extend for organization-wide use
  • Caters to the needs of remote workforces
  • Streamlines automation and integrations for enhanced productivity
  • Offers flexibility and tools for creating a tailored work environment
  • Versatile choice for modern organisations
  • Combines hundreds of robust features into one unified Work OS vs. Jira: Evaluating project management capabilities 

While both platforms boast robust features and enjoy popularity, how do they stack up when evaluated as project management tools? Let’s find out!


Favorite among agile software development teams worldwide 

Lauded for impressive features and unparalleled flexibility 

Complex reporting tools tailored for small software teams. 

Versatile platform for planning, managing, and collaborating on projects and portfolios 

Jira is a part of the Atlassian ecosystem. 

Supports cross-functional collaboration and provides visibility into projects 

Seamless integration with other Atlassian products like Confluence, Bitbucket, and Trello. 

Efficient automation and timely alerts enhance business outcomes. 

Extensive integrations and add-ons for customization. 

Customizable dashboards offer high-level organizational overview. 

Partnerships with technology leaders such as Slack, Microsoft, Google, and Zoom. 

Facilitates confident decision-making and scalable workflows. 

Suitable choice for small software development teams. 

Visual board enables customization for various projects. 

Feature set includes project and issue tracking, scrum and Kanban support, backlog prioritization, sprint planning, and flexible workflows. 

Covers essential project management tasks including task and resource management, lead capture, performance tracking, goal setting, portfolio management, business operations, requests, and approvals. 

Battle of the Features: 17 key feature monday jira comparisons 

Let’s delve into the feature-by-feature comparison between Jira and and understand how these two project management platforms stack up against each other. 

Jira vs. - Battle of the Features

#1. Ease of use 

The choice often comes down to a balance between ease of use and power, making the preferred option for those seeking user-friendly project management.

Evaluating Project Management Capabilities: Jira vs

While both platforms boast robust features and enjoy popularity, how do they stack up when evaluated as project management tools? Let’s find out! 


Jira offers a product tour and has developer-focused templates, it can be confusing to navigate for non-developer teams. project management tool stands out for its user-friendliness, offering a variety of customisable templates tailored to different industries. 

It compensates with a robust knowledge base and an active user community. 

Its intuitive interface incorporates animations, pop-up text, and a well-thought-out color scheme - simplifying navigation. 

Jira, although more powerful, has a steeper learning curve. is easier to use, with easy report customisation. 

#2. Kanban


Jira's Kanban board, while potentially more sophisticated, can be challenging with an information-heavy screen. excels in Kanban boards. Its highly user-centric design, versatility, visual and easy-to-use Kanban board features bright colors and clear elements, enhancing user experience. 

Jira extends beyond Kanban to include Scrum and Sprint boards. 

It offers various view options, including tables, files, forms, and cards, allowing users to customise their Kanban boards to match their preferences. 

For a straightforward and visually engaging Kanban solution, proves to be the superior choice.

#3. Look & feel 

When it comes to the look and feel of project management tools, the user interface plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall experience.


Jira's interface, rooted in software development, offers a wealth of features but can appear dense and technical, potentially posing a steeper learning curve for some users. adopts a visually engaging and intuitive design, with clean visuals and customisable elements that make it inviting and user-friendly across industries. 

Jira caters to software development teams's universally appealing look and feel simplifies task and project management, accommodating both new and experienced users. 

Your choice -- vs Jira-- depends on your team's preferences and familiarity with the interface. 

#4. Integrations & no. of integrations 

Both and Jira excel in integration capabilities, enabling seamless connections with various applications to enhance their functionality. 


Jira offers integration with 500+ applications, ensuring adaptability within an organisation's existing software environment. boasts an impressive library of over 1,000 integrations 

It offers compatibility with tools & platforms like Salesforce, Gliffy, Zephyr, Tempo, Microsoft Teams, and Google Docs. 

It covers popular applications such as Slack, Google Drive, Trello, Mailchimp, Zendesk, and Microsoft Teams. 

It's worth noting that Jira's integrations are often geared toward software-focused teams whereas's user-friendly approach allows seamless integration with preferred apps in just a few clicks, eliminating the need for coding expertise 

#5. Dashboards 

Having diverse dashboards at your disposal can greatly enhance your team's efficiency. Two primary dashboard types - Kanban boards for task progression and Gantt charts for timeline visualisation - are key tools in this space. Additionally, scrum boards are invaluable for Agile teams and comprehensive project planning. offers a rich array of essential dashboards and views, including Kanban views, timeline views, calendar views, map views, and chart views. Whereas Jira provides users with roadmap dashboards, Kanban boards, and scrum boards. 

What sets them apart is the variety and depth of options available on, providing a more comprehensive toolkit for various project management needs.  

Both platforms, however, offer customisable dashboard options, allowing you to tailor your workspace to your specific requirements.

#6. Mobile app


The Jira mobile app specializes in managing boards and backlogs. 

It offers specialized iOS and Android mobile applications. 

It tracks bugs and issues efficiently. 

Apps are designed specifically for project management purposes. 

The app oversees service level agreements (SLAs). 

They encompass crucial functionalities necessary for managing projects. 

It offers extensive functionality for board and issue management. 

Features for team collaboration and updates on work status. 

It provides comprehensive functionality tailored for on-the-go project management. 

Facilitate staying connected and maintaining productivity from any location. 

Both apps cater to the mobile project management needs of users. Your choice may depend on your specific mobile project management requirements. 

#7. Marketing 

In terms of marketing, both platforms offer extensive capabilities but wins the game. 


  • Primarily designed for software development but adaptable for marketing purposes.
  • May require extensive customization by marketing teams to align with workflows.
  • Interface and features can be complex, posing a learning curve for marketing teams. 

  • Marketing-friendly platform with customizable boards and templates. 
  • Facilitates efficient campaign planning and progress tracking for marketing teams. 
  • Smooth integration with various marketing tools ensures seamless data flow. 
  • The intuitive interface simplifies task management and collaboration, ideal for marketing professionals.

#8. Task management


Provides scrum and Kanban boards for adaptable project tracking. 

Allows users to create and manage contacts, teams, and negotiations. 

Offers real-time progress updates and seamless integration with version control, build, deployment, and feature tools. 

Utilizes customizable pulses and dashboards for organizing tasks. 

Includes custom filters, workflow configurations, and mobile apps for enhanced usability. 

Provides templates and task-tracking options for streamlined workflow. 

Its Scrum board stands out with advanced features like Release Trains, Sprints, Burndown Charts, and Velocity Tracking for Agile development. 

Integrated communication and collaboration features include inviting team members and preserving conversations, emails, briefs, checklists, comments, and sheets. 

Choice depends on task management needs and desired level of sophistication. 

Offers various views, timelines, Kanban boards, and mobile functionality for flexibility and accessibility. 

#9. Automation

Both and Jira Software offer automation capabilities. However, they differ in complexity and focus. provides user-friendly automation through custom workflows and pre-built templates, making it accessible for a variety of project management scenarios.  

In contrast, Jira Software offers advanced automation, particularly tailored to software development workflows. Its automation rules are highly customisable, but they may require a deeper understanding of the tool for effective implementation. 

Choose between the two based on your project's automation needs and the level of expertise within your team.  

Note: is a more user-friendly option, while Jira Software is suitable for intricate automation requirements, especially in software development contexts.

#10. Free versions


Provides a free plan including community support with its own set of features. 

Offers a free plan with distinct characteristics. 

Accommodates up to 10 users on the free plan. 

Limit of 2 members on the free plan. 

Customer support available during local business hours with the standard plan for larger teams. 

Provides unlimited boards, offering versatility for smaller teams. 

24/7 customer support accessible exclusively through Jira's premium plan. 

24/7 customer service available for all plans, including free and basic tiers. 

#11. Workflows

Choosing the right project management tool for your workflow hinges on the balance between flexibility and control.


  • Tasks adhere to predefined workflows resembling well-structured flowcharts.
  • Validators and conditions can be introduced to workflows to ensure specific requirements are met.
  • Provides a high level of control for keeping teams aligned and on track.
  • Rigidity of structure may hinder teams requiring freedom to deviate from preset paths. 

  • Places a premium on freedom, flexibility, and openness in design philosophy.
  • Users have the liberty to create their own columns, update statuses, and craft custom workflows.
  • The system imposes a few constraints on how items transition between statuses.
  • Fosters an environment conducive to teams fine-tuning or iterating on processes constantly. 

Ultimately, the choice between project management software comparison for managing workflows hinges on your team's specific needs and the level of flexibility and control required.

#12. Customer support 

Customer support options vary between and Jira.

Customer support Between and Jira provides 24/7 support across all plans, including free and basic, Jira offers community support for its free version and standard support during local business hours for the standard plan with 24/7 support exclusively for premium users.  

Both platforms offer extensive knowledge bases and resources, but additionally provides one-on-one training and a dedicated customer success manager on higher plans. 

#13. Templates 

When it comes to templates, Work Management and Jira Software offer distinct options.

  • Provides industry-specific templates for tasks like job monitoring, agile and client management, and project tracking.
  • Intuitive interface with animations and clear navigation aids simplified use.
  • Includes unlimited boards, over 200 templates, more than 20 column types, and free viewers.
  • Boasts a larger and more diverse template library covering software development, CRM, portfolio management, marketing, and sales. 

Jira Software:

  • Offers tailored templates primarily for software developers.
  • Provides a product tour to assist users.
  • User interface can be challenging, but users can seek help from an active community and an information base.
  • Templates span categories like software development, service management, and work management.
  • Includes options for Scrum, Kanban, DevOps, and bug tracking.
  • Recognizes the value of templates in saving time and offers customizable options.

#14. Audiences


More oriented towards midsize and large enterprises. 

Primarily caters to Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs). 

Robust features and scalability make it suitable for businesses with a broader scale of operations and complex projects. 

Offers solutions and features tailored to the needs of smaller organizations. 

Suitable for organizations looking for extensive customization and advanced project management capabilities. 

Ideal choice for SMBs seeking simplicity and agility. 

#15. Agile 

In terms of Agile project management, both and Jira have proven to be the best project management tools. offers agile support through customisable boards and columns, making it accessible for teams new to Agile methodologies. Its user-friendly interface simplifies the Agile workflow.  

On the other hand, Jira is known for its robust Agile features, including Scrum and Kanban boards, making it a preferred choice for midsize to large enterprises with complex Agile requirements.  

Choosing between them depends on the level of Agile complexity your team requires, with suiting those seeking simplicity and Jira catering to more intricate Agile needs. 

#16. Pulse reporting & roadmap reporting

Both and Jira platforms offer valuable reporting tools. provides Pulse Reporting for visual project progress and team performance overview, with Roadmap views for effective timeline planning.  

Jira offers extensive reporting and dashboard capabilities through plugins, along with Roadmap features in its Premium and Enterprise plans for project timeline visualization.  

Choose a project management tool based on your reporting and roadmap visualization needs and assignment requirements.

#17. Pricing pricing


Presents a 3-tiered pricing plan: Free, Standard, and Premium. 

Offers a 4-tiered pricing plan: Basic, Standard, Pro, and Enterprise. 

Free Plan: Accommodates up to 10 users with robust features. 


Basic Plan: Suitable for small teams and starts at $8 per month per user. 


Standard Plan: Expands usage to up to 5,000 users. 

Standard and Pro Plans: Cater to larger businesses. 

Premium Plan: Adds advanced features and reliability guarantees. 

Enterprise Plan: Designed for enterprise-level companies. 

Free Plan is considered among the best free project management software. 

Provides scalability and customization to suit different organizational needs. 

Pricing plans offer flexibility based on team size, requirements, and budget considerations. 

Pricing plans tailored to team size, requirements, and budget. 

Your choice will depend on your team size, requirements, and budget, making it a balanced match in the pricing round. 


The choice between Jira and ultimately depends upon the specific requirements of your organisation. Both platforms offer robust features and capabilities, but they cater to different preferences and needs. Jira excels in complex project management scenarios and software development, while shines in simplicity, visual planning, and team collaboration 

The decision should be guided by the size of your business, the nature of your projects, and your team's familiarity with the chosen platform. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution, and the right choice is the one that aligns best with your unique workflow and objectives. 

Are You Ready to Navigate Your Project Management Challenges with TransFunnel? 

It can be overwhelming to decide which project management tool aligns best with your organisation's unique needs and objectives. That's where TransFunnel comes into play, providing invaluable expertise in selecting the right project management solution.  

Collaborating with a preferred partner in India like TransFunnel, you gain instant access to a wealth of knowledge and experience in the project management landscape.

Our team of experts is well-versed in a wide range of tools and can help you navigate the intricacies of these platforms. We provide actionable insights to help you optimise your project management processes, whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise.

Ready to enhance your project management experience? Connect us!
