On-Page SEO Tips To Get Google Search Rank | TransFunnel
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Basic On-Page SEO Tips Every Website Owner Must Know

TransFunnel Consulting
TransFunnel Consulting
Sep 09, 2021

Basic On-Page SEO Tips Every Website Owner Must Know

Before framing content, have you ever thought about how well it is optimized and why? This is exactly where On-Page optimization (SEO) comes into the picture. It improves the website’s position in search rankings. 

Must-know On-Page SEO Optimization Ideas For Any Website

  • Heading Tag

The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) comprises six different heading tags — H1, H2, and so on. The H1 is the most important tag while H6 is the least important. The tags are often formatted from long-tail to short-tail keywords. It is advisable to use a single H1 tag on every page because that’s your keyword. The H1 tag must use On-Page SEO optimization within a limit of 140 to 160 characters.

The search engines use the heading tags for keywords, but excessive use of heading tags can be flagged as spam. For best results try not to use more than 30 heading tags in a webpage. No heading tags longer than 140 to 160 characters should be used. 

Know how you can generate organic traffic by using SEO. We give you a heads up about various methods that your business can use to increase the traffic right away in this pandemic-struck market with SEO.

  • Sitemap.xml

Google introduced Google Sitemaps so as to enable developers to publish lists of links from their sites. Some sites have a large number of dynamic pages (where data is procured from the server) that are only available through the use of forms and user entries. The Sitemap files contain a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to these pages to facilitate Google crawlers to find them. Search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo also support Sitemaps protocol.

Learn the 9 On-Page SEO Hacks to Rank Higher on Google. Without SEO a may have minimal search traffic. Your efforts of building your website will not fetch you the desired results if you don’t adhere to some basic SEO tips.

  • Image Alt Tag

The Alt text describes the function of the image and what is on the image of the page. You can use your keyword as an image name if possible so as to help your page appear in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). For example, if the image name is 6.jpg, then you can replace it with “xyz.jpg” (xyz being a keyword).

  • Meta Title And Description

This is the most significant aspect of On Page optimization. It defines what a page is about where you can include your main keyword in the meta.


Meta Title and Description

A. Meta Title

  1. Include keywords
  2. Check the length
  3. Use your brand name (keyword)
  4. Provide useful information

B. Meta Description

  1. Include target keyword
  2. Double-check with SERP using any tool (SEOmofo)
  3. Avoid duplicate descriptions
  • Robots.txt

The robots.txt file allows you to stop access of search engine robots to specific directories and pages. We can also specify in the robots.txt file where the sitemap file is present. For example:

User-agent: *







  1. User-agent: Googlebot means we allow all our Googlebot to reach our page
  2. If we do not want Googlebot to come to our page, then we use the disallow command
  3. Crawl delay defines the time for a page load for which we can mention the time as well
  4. User-agent:* means we allow all the users to access our page.


On-page SEO ensures your content is relevant on the web and is read by and large by users based on their search requirements. It is all about designing your websites and webpages based on what search engines deem important. Majority of internet users look for relevant websites that Google throws in its results for a particular keyword. If you want your website to be highly popular and attract a large volume of potential customers, then it is important that you follow basic SEO techniques suggested by our marketing agency.

For more in-depth On-pageSEO techniques to rank your website, contact us.
