5 Simple Steps To Create A Form In Pardot By TransFunnel
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Pardot Forms: Everything you need to know about Pardot form in 2023

TransFunnel Consulting
TransFunnel Consulting
Feb 07, 2019

Get simple yet informative insights on Pardot form

A form is a source of acquiring information from anonymous visitors on your website or landing pages and helps you turn them into known prospects or paying customers. Similarly, Pardot forms help you gather visitor information visits on any of the web pages of your website. These Pardot forms are quite advanced and easy to handle.

But how to create a form in Pardot? Let us tell you! 

All you need to do in Pardot, navigate to Marketing >> Forms >> Forms. A new page will open.

Create A form in pardot

Add a form in Pardot


To create a form in Pardot, you need to go through these simple 5 steps:

  • Name 
  • Fields 
  • Look & feel 
  • Completion actions 
  • Confirm & save

In every step, you need to fill in some information. 

Let’s take a glance on these steps in detail 

Step 1: Name

  • Give a unique name to form. For example: ‘EN-IN/Webniar-19-RegistorNow’ 
  • Add Tags to the form. For example: ‘Website’, ‘Webniar-19’ 
  • Choose a folder. For example: ‘Website’ 
  • Then, Choose campaign. For example: ‘Website contact us page’ 
  • Click on Next 

Create a Name in Pardot Form

Step 2: Fields

  • By default, you will get four fields (First name, Last name, Company, Email(a)) on your form

    Create a Field in Pardot - First name, Last name, Company, Email on a form

  • If you want to add a new field on the form, click on ‘Add new field’. A pop up will open
  • In the basic tab, you can choose a field and then edit its label, field type and data format

Create a Field in Pardot - Basic Tab Function

  • Advanced tab gives you more control over fields. You can add a validation error message, CSS classes for design and detailed description of the field

    Create a Field in Pardot - Advanced Tab Function

  • In the dependent tab, you can add different rules on the field to show other fields. For example: if ‘service’ field is marketing, then show ‘tool’ field

    Create a Field in Pardot - Dependent Tab Function

  • Click on Next.

Step 3: Look and feel

  • If you want to edit look and feel of a form, this can be the best step for you 
  • Choose a form layout template, which you have added in form layout template section 
  • You can edit the submit button text, by adding submit button text 
  • If you have to add text above and below the form, then you can add the required text in the editor of the above form and below the form tab 
  • In the basic tab, you can choose a field and then edit its label, field type and data format


Create a form in Pardot - Look and feel

  • Basic level style formatting can be handled in styles tab. For example, font colour, font Size and more

    Create a form in Pardot - Basic Level Style Formatting

  • From the advanced tab, you can add/remove reCAPTCHA on the form and enable/disable cookies

Creating a form in Pardot -  From the advanced tab, you can add/remove reCAPTCHA on the form and enable/disable cookies

  • Click on Next to save edits.
  • Note: You can get as many templates needed from the layout template in Pardot. You will find this option in Marketing >> Forms >>Layout templates. You can direct add HTML + CSS in editor. Also, by default, you will get one standard template.

    Create Layout Template in Pardot

Step 4: Completion Actions

  • Here you can add actions after form gets submitted

    Create a form in Pardot - Compete Action

  • Thank you Content:

    • If you want to add thank you message for Pardot form, add your text in Thank you content editor
    • After submission, you can redirect the form to the thank you page by following URL instead of showing the form's Thank You Content’ option and add URL in redirection location.

      Create a form in Pardot - Redirection Location

    • Not only this, but you can also send autoresponder email on form submit add prospect into the list, notify the user on form submit, assign prospect to user and much more through ‘Completion Actions’. You can add multiple Completion Actions on a single form.

      Create a form in Pardot - Redirection Location 1

    • Thank you code

      • The code is typically written in JavaScript and is also used to call other systems like Google conversion tracking.

        Create a form in Pardot - Thank you code

      • Click on Next and save your settings.

Step 5: Confirm & Save

  • Verify all details and click on save

    Pardot Markeitng Forms

  • On this screen, you are able to see the complete information about the form.
  • At the top of the form, you will find the live preview link to see your form.
  • The view report button is used to check the report of this form. In the report page, you can check the total views, total submissions, conversion and other statics in a graphical manner.


Pardot Marketing Report Form

  • You can see the list of prospects at the bottom of this Pardot form with the list of landing pages the Pardot form page is using.

    List of Prospects Added to Pardot Through the Form

  • Your form is live and ready to use on site and landing page.
  • Go ahead!!! 

Please note:

If you want to add this Pardot form to your website (not on the Pardot landing page), write the iframe code and add this iframe to your website.

Here you can find this code after publishing on the website: 

View HTML Code in Pardot form


The iframe code will look like this:


View HTML Code in Pardot form

If you want to add default values to hidden fields of your form, then you need to add the field API/internal name and its value in the iframe src URL. For instance, here we are setting lead source and lead source details for prospects through hidden fields

In the above example, Lead_source is the internal name of field ‘Lead source’ and Website is the value, which we are setting for field lead source. It’s the same for the Lead source details field as well.

Want to know how to create a form in Pardot? Learn with us!
