Best Practices To Speed Up Your Page Load Time
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How To Speed Up Your Page And Generate Higher Traffic

TransFunnel Consulting
TransFunnel Consulting
Oct 29, 2021

Tips To Improve Your Page Load Time

The speed of your website is its first impression. Did you know that a slow-loading website increases the bounce rate, which leads to low conversions? By decreasing the website page load time you will be able to generate higher traffic and attract more qualified leads, which can be converted into customers.
According to the pingdom article the web page load time should not be more than 2 seconds. The probability of the bounce rate increases by 32% if the website load time reaches 7 seconds or more. 

Mobile vs Desktop - How The Average Page Load Time Is Different

The complete page load time on mobile is 22 seconds while it is 10 seconds on the desktop. On an average, the website pages take 87.84% longer load time on mobile devices as compared to desktop. If your site performance is longer than 3 seconds to load, then almost more than 50% of mobile visitors will leave the website page. 

1. Some Of The Factors That Affect Page Load Time

  • Web Hosting Services

The web hosting company plays a vital role in your website performance. If the server is slow, then the whole website will be slow. When searching for a web hosting service, choose a server with higher uptime.

2. Some Of The Web Hosting Factors For Low Page Speed Are:

  • Server Response Time

Time to First Byte (TTFB), is measured for how long it takes for the server to respond to a request.

  • Accounts Per Server

If you are using shared hosting, an overcrowded server can reduce your website performance.

3. Internet connection

Your internet connection is one of the factors that can affect page load time even if the page is well-optimized.

4. Large Image, CSS, JS Files

Larger the images, video, and code size of the page, increasing load time.

5. Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources

These are the resources (JS & CSS) that block the first paint of your page.

6. Browsers

 The browsers can also affect the page load time, because the older versions of the browsers may not be compatible with the newer sets of code present on your site.

Learn more on SEO Hacks For Improving Website Ranking In Google Search Results.

Best Speed Test Tools Website

In order to improve page load time & website performance, website loading speed needs to be tested. We give you insights into some of the best websites that help in this function.

1. Google Page Speed Insights

A Google tool that helps you with the information of speed data details of your site and also provides you with suggestions on how to improve your page load time.

2. GTMetrix

A site that provides you with the speed information on how fast your website will load and suggestions to help your site with optimization opportunities.

3. Test My Site

 A Google tool that allows you to test your mobile website speed.

4. Pingdom

 A popular website monitoring tool that allows you to view the load time, page size, and many more.

Improve your on-page seo with these basic on-page tips.

How Can You Improve Website Speed Performances

1. Optimize Your Webpage Images

Try to use images within 100KB. Try naming the images in .jpg format as .png images are heavier than the .jpg ones.

2. Images Compression

To compress your website images, you can use some of the online image compression tools such as:

Another important way to optimize your images is to use lazy load. This process doesn’t load the website images until they are visible on the screen.

3. Optimize JS & CSS

You can minify JS and CSS code with the help of You can also preload CSS and defer JS to fix an error i.e eliminate render-blocking resources.

4. Enable File Compression

If the website page CSS, HTML, & JS are larger in size, try reducing it by enabling the file compressions with the help of the htaccess file.

5. Reduce Redirects 

Every time the page redirects to another page your viewers face extra time waiting for the HTTP request-response cycle to be completed. Try not to redirect the pages in loop more than once.

6. Leverage Browser Caching

Browser cache stores the information in the visitors PC. So when a viewer visits again on your website, the browser doesn't have to reload the entire page. Set your "expires" header for how long you want that information to be cached with the help of htaccess.

7. Use A CDN File

A Content Delivery Network caches your site files in geographical allotted servers, to serve it physically closer to your end-users helping to deliver quickly.


Websites with low page load time provide you less bounce rate and higher number of conversions, a more positive user experience, and also help in search engine rankings. 

Looking at improving your Page speed optimization and SEO Site Performance? Our SEO experts can help you, contact us.
