6 Books on Content Marketing You Must Read | Transfunnel
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Top 6 Books on Content Marketing you Shouldn't Wait to Read

TransFunnel Consulting
TransFunnel Consulting
Feb 13, 2019

Whether you are looking to increase newsletter subscriptions, organic traffic or your email list; content is the heart of all marketing activities. And so, it is imperative to understand what content marketing entails and how effectively you can use it to make sure you have the most profitable outcome in terms of your marketing efforts. 

What is Content Marketing? 

Simply put, content marketing is a kind of marketing which involves creating and sharing blogs, videos, social posts, etc on different platforms to attract viral organic crowd towards a website, service or product.

So, whether you are looking to reinvent your content marketing strategies or simply want to take a fresh approach towards understanding them, these books will do more than just the trick: 

1. Pre-Suasion by Robert Cialdini

According to Entrepreneur, "Dr. Robert Cialdini, one of the leading experts in persuasion and negotiation, explains in this book how to effectively persuade someone to take action by first altering their beliefs and attitude. Before you drive someone toward your sales page, you need to persuade that person to believe in your product. This book explores that concept and beyond." Just what you wanted to read?

2. Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing by Rebecca Lieb

A research-based guide to content marketing, this book will help you learn how to effectively create content that enhances your marketing efforts. After all, marketing is nothing without content, right? But what is more important is creating the right kind of content and not just any content. This great book helps one understand just that and is a high recommendation to those who are yet to feel the power of content.

3. The Road to Recognition by Seth Price and Barry Feldman

Filled with the insights of around 26 lessons, which can be applied to your business for creating an effective personal brand, this book is the holy grail for those into small businesses or personal branding. Equipped with actionable insights explaining how to join content and marketing to have a powerful brand of your own, this is one of the best reads. Could have asked for anything better?

4. Never Lose a Customer Again. Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days by Joey Coleman

 Probably one of the best content marketing books of 2018, never lose a customer again is a step-by-step guide focusing on very specific techniques. The book redefines customer experience for content marketers to help them understand customer satisfaction better, so that they never lose a customer again! 

5. Content Inc.: How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences and Create Radically Successful Businesses by Joe Pulizzi

 As the founder of Content Marketing Institute and author of this fast-selling book, Joe talks about how to build audience with content and have them connect with your brand in the most unimaginable ways. The book contains a 6-step process towards content marketing success that can be implemented right from the beginning. 

6. Global Content Marketing: How to Create Great Content, Reach More Customers, and Build a Worldwide Marketing Strategy that Works by Pam Didner

 Teaching you how to reach worldwide with content marketing and much more, the book contains step-by-step process of creating the best content marketing strategies to meet the demands of your business, along with steps on how to keep refining them as you move forward.

Last pages

From where to start content marketing, what type of content to produce to how often and in which format, are some of the doubts all the above strive to resolve, by giving proper actionable insights and steps so that content marketing becomes a cakewalk for you. Get your hands on these and create high conversion opportunities.

We say, highly recommended! 
