How Podcast Content Marketing is Effective for Marketers in 2023
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Why You Should Use Podcasts in Your Content Marketing Strategy

TransFunnel Consulting
TransFunnel Consulting
Dec 06, 2022

How Podcast Content Marketing is effective for marketers in 2023

Podcasts are a trending and creative content marketing strategy to distribute news or any important information regarding your products or services. It can also be used to capture the interest of listeners while they are on the go.

This content marketing strategy is taking over all other internet radio stations with the assistance of gadgets helping people connect with their favourite podcasts. A good live workshop will enable you to put your audience at ease, level up their knowledge and make an impression that they cannot easily forget.

Podcast content marketing has come a long way since people started recording their conversations around campfires. Content in the form of podcasts is extremely engaging, builds loyalty from your customer base, doesn't rely on censorship and can never be erased or destroyed. This is why niche experts believe that podcasting can be an important aspect of a well-curated content marketing plan. Rather than segregating your audio material and treating it as another style of content, all of your brand’s content must work towards a standard set of objectives.

Top 5 reasons to add a podcast to your content marketing strategy:

1. Convenient and easy to use  

Most types of content hosted on your website can be consumed by your visitors even with the distractions of their day-to-day lives, but podcasts are a platform with which users benefit from the extra attention required. Podcasts stream from smart devices and are one of the most popular platforms for mobile users. You're closer than ever to reaching a global audience, so now you need both unaided (text) and aided (audio) comprehension.

2. Easy to stream and download

Podcasts are an invaluable resource for people who tend to multitask in their daily lives. Your targeted demographic is likely to include stay-at-home parents, working professionals or anyone who finds the time between these busy schedules hard to balance. Podcasts can entertain when the time calls for it. Podcasts are a medium made for talk show content and this will be an effective way to reach your targeted demographic. Podcast content marketing strategy is designed to be listened to -- not necessarily watched. This means that your potential audience is anywhere they can listen to something like a commute on their way to work, home, office or being at the gym and more depending on what you're offering and how it appeals specifically to their needs.

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3. Build connection with audience  

Podcast Content Marketing

It’s important to build a trusting relationship with your clients. That is why it is vital to create and develop your brand as you would on other conventional channels. Since podcasting is more like having a conversation, it helps one bond with the audience as they relate it to their lives. This makes you seem more intimate, approachable and relatable than if you were using a blog article. Customers tend to feel comfortable around people whom they can associate things with, so when you're able to establish a rapport by speaking directly in their ears about your services or product that improves the chances of them being receptive towards buying into what you are selling.

4. Podcast ads are effective  

Podcast listeners don’t seem to mind ad breaks and are impacted by the messages they hear. When it comes to ads, podcast hosts have greater creative freedom than hosts of radio shows.

5. High engagement

Transfunnel Content Marketing

The popularity of podcast content marketing strategies lies in their structure. While many podcasts simply record people talking, others speak as though they’re using blog posts - giving an audio commentary on their personal experiences or corporate societal issues. Much like reading a detailed article, listening to podcasts can be quite taxing since you need such high concentration to make sure you follow along. Luckily podcasts come in episodes.  

With podcasts, you don’t just promote your products, services and ideas but also offer problem-solving and useful content that pitches your brand as a solutions provider. This showcases the brand understanding of specific issues that your potential audience wants you to address, creating trust between your brand and prospects.

Have you ever wanted to get involved in the podcasting community? Are you a business owner looking to engage audiences within your niche by talking about relevant issues through podcast content marketing strategy? TransFunnel is just what you've been looking for! We specialise in content marketing services.

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