Why PHP tops the list of other programming languages? | TF
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Why PHP Stands Out from Other Programming Languages?

TransFunnel Consulting
TransFunnel Consulting
Oct 14, 2021

Know some of the best gains from PHP

A scripting or programming language used to develop web applications, PHP’s main purpose is to develop web application programming interfaces (API). These can be created with the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in PHP.

PHP helps in sending and fetching app data by creating API in Android and iPhone apps as well as in integrating two or more systems or servers. Here PHP plays the main role of sending data from one database to another.

While connecting to various databases -- MongoDB, MySql, SQL Server and more is possible with PHP, MySQL is the most popular database with regards to PHP being faster and easier.

We list out some of the PHP gains:

1. Low learning cost: 

PHP is one of the easiest programming languages to learn while being equally affordable. You can take complete lessons on PHP in about three months, in general. 

2. Series of framework: 

  • Laravel

  • Yii

  • ThinkPHP

  • Symfony

  • CakePHP

  • Fuel PHP

  • CodeIgniter

  • Zend

Content Management Systems (CMS) access:

  • Wordpress

  • Drupal

  • Joomla

  • Contao

3. High-development efficiency

PHP can be quickly and affordably adjusted to make innovative apps that are new to the market and business requirements. 

4. Easily Scalable and Well-documented

Well documented files to learn PHP are available for free online.

The latest version of PHP is PHP-8.0.9.

For web applications with PHP programming language talk to our experts.


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