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SEO Services that drive leads & sales

Be found at the top of SERPs for all keywords of business importance. For TransFunnel, an SEO strategy is a process that optimises your website content in a manner that improves its chances of ranking well on SERPs. Our SEO experts will evaluate & analyse your existing website to plan and execute steps to boost your website’s organic search rankings.


On-Page SEO: Also called on-site SEO, it is the process of optimising website content with keywords, to help it rank better on search engines. Key on-page SEO activities include, amongst others, web page content optimisation, internal linking, title tag optimization and URLs. The objective of on-page SEO is to improve page relevance for specific search terms (keywords) that your target audience uses to search for information. It’s important to remember, your website doesn’t exist in a silo. It needs to be found by its audience and on-page SEO is a step in this direction.

Off-Page SEO: As the name suggests, off-page SEO is an umbrella term that covers SEO activities outside of the website that help improve rankings. While many agencies use the word link building synonymously with off-page SEO, TransFunnel goes way beyond just link building and uses activities such as brand building, reviews, social media and more to gain improved visibility for your online presence.The idea behind off-page SEO is to use a multi-pronged approach towards building a strong SEO presence.

Technical SEO: Beyond on and off page SEO lie the technical complexities of SEO that need to be managed with due care and attention and TransFunnel is a master at it. Aspects like XML sitemap, site speed, structure data and more are handled with finesse by our SEO professionals. This ensures all technical requirements of search engines are met in their entirety. We understand the value of staying on top of SEO technicalities at all times and therefore offer continuous support. Your organic rankings, therefore, do not falter.

Why SEO Strategy
  • We don’t take chances with your SEO. That is why we are the best there is.
  • We have built a reputation for delivering sustainable SEO results.

Aspects of
SEO strategy

How TransFunnel helped a training team gain a 1100% rise in web traffic in 2 yrs

Aspects of SEO Strategy
Why TransFunnel

Why TransFunnel?

At TransFunnel, we have built a reputation for delivering sustainable SEO results to clients across diverse business domains. This happens not by chance, but because of our extensive SEO process. We benchmark your current SEO performance, conduct a deep dive into your competitors’ SEO strategies identifying keyword gaps and problem areas, identify achievable goals and KPIs, zero in on primary keywords, classify long-tailed keywords and only then begin our long march toward achieving your SEO goals. We don’t take chances with your SEO. That is why we are the best there is.